Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hope you are having a blessed day and weekend......going to take a hot is very cold in Omaha today......nice hot shower.....cozy pj's.....wrapped in warmth under a blanket....snuggled up on the hands wrapped around the mug of international coffee.....counting my blessings...thinking of the warmth and love coming from all around me....praying that we can all feel the same.

Hoping for the hopeless to find hope, the homeless to find a home, the unemployed to keep or find a job, the hungry to find food or be blessed with the same, and those without any of these things to find Jesus who can supply all these things and more!!! He can and will supply us with our needs and our wants, because he is a awesome God.

Just wanted to take a moment to praise and lift up my prayers to my heavenly father and hope my words have supplied hope to all who read this and you take a moment to be thankful, hopeful, and be in agreement with me for all to be blessed in this great country of ours. One nation under God......Amen.


Dennis Buckman said...

Terry - I tried once to leave a note, don't know if it went through. I am very appreciative of the extra effort you have made in order to share your blog with me and I am anticipating being able to continue to read through your thoughts in the future. My own blog, listed here is terribly behind... I promise to try and catch up!!!

Debbie Turner Chavers said...

Good Morning Terry Berry!
I am thankful also for a sweet lil' sister. Glad you had a comfy week-end. I love you much,
